

Mohlahlobi o Mobe oa Khatello ea Sieve bakeng sa Samente

Tlhaloso e Khutšoanyane:

Lintlha tsa Sehlahisoa

Li-tag tsa Sehlahisoa

  • Tlhaloso ea Sehlahisoa

FYS-150BCement Negative Pressure Sieve Analysis Device

一、 Sebelisa

FYS150 Negative Pressure Sieve Analyzer ke sesebelisoa se khethehileng sa tlhahlobo ea sieve ho latela maemo a naha a GB1345-91 "Cement Fineness Inspection Method 80μm Sieve Analysis Method".E na le sebopeho se bonolo, ts'ebetso e bohlale le ts'ebetso e bonolo, ho nepahala ho phahameng le ho pheta-pheta hantle.Lintho tse kang ho fokotsa tšebeliso ea matla.Ke sesebelisoa sa bohlokoa bakeng sa limela tsa samente, lik'hamphani tsa kaho, litsi tsa lipatlisiso tsa mahlale le liunivesithi le likoleche tse nang le maemo a holimo a samente.

Ntle le moo, Analyzer ena ea morao-rao ea Negative Pressure Sieve e ithorisa ka bokhoni bo ntlafalitsoeng ba tlhahlobo.Li-sensor tsa eona tse tsoetseng pele tsa ho lekanya li fana ka lintlha tse nepahetseng le tse ka tšeptjoang tsa kabo ea boholo ba likaroloana, ho etsa hore ho be le litšobotsi tse nepahetseng tsa thepa ea samente.Mefuta e mengata e fapaneng ea analyzer e etsa bonnete ba hore ha ho na mohlala oa ho rarahana o thata haholo, e leng se etsang hore e be khetho e nepahetseng bakeng sa lilaboratori tse sebetsang ka mefuta e fapaneng ea thepa ea samente e nang le lintlha tse fapaneng tsa boholo ba likaroloana.

Tšireletseho ke ea bohlokoa haholo maemong afe kapa afe a laboratori.Our Laboratory Negative Pressure Sieve Analyzer for Cement e sebetsana le sena ka ho kenyelletsa mehato e tiileng ea polokeho.Tsamaiso e mpe ea khatello e thibela ho ntšoa ha likaroloana tsa lerōle nakong ea ts'ebetso ea tlhahlobo, ho netefatsa tikoloho e hloekileng le e se nang kotsi ea ho sebetsa.Sena ha se sireletse basebetsi ba laboratori feela empa hape se felisa tšilafalo, se netefatsa liphetho tse nepahetseng le tse sa silafalang.

Ntle le moo, analyzer ena e entsoe ka thepa e tšoarellang le ea boleng bo holimo, e netefatsang hore e phela nako e telele le ho hana ho taboha le ho taboha.Kaho ea eona e matla e lumella tšebeliso e tsoelang pele le khafetsa ha e ntse e boloka ts'ebetso e ikhethang, e etsa hore e be letsete le tšepahalang bakeng sa lilaboratori tse batlang tharollo ea nako e telele.

二, tekheniki parameter

1. Sieve analysis test fineness: 80μm

2. Ho hlahloba le ho hlahloba nako ea ho laola ka mokhoa o itekanetseng 2min (setting ea fektheri)

3. Letoto le feto-fetohang la khatello e mpe ea ho sebetsa: 0 ho -10000pa

4. Ho lekanya ho nepahala: ± 100pa

5. Qeto: 10pa

6. Tikoloho ea mosebetsi: mocheso 0 ~ 50 ° C mongobo <85%RH

7. Lebelo la Nozzle: 30 ± 2r / min

8. Sebaka se pakeng tsa ho bula nozzle le skrine: 2-8mm

9. Kenya mohlala oa samente: 25g

10. Matla a phepelo ea matla: 220V±10%

11. Tšebeliso ea matla: 600W

12. Ho sebetsa lerata ≤75dB

13. Boima ba Nete: 40kg

khatello e mpe ea sieve analyzer bakeng sa laboratori

laboratori negative pressure sieve analyzer

mokhoa oa puisano

  • E fetileng:
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